Hi there. Welcome, and thank you for having a look around. I hope you enjoy, and better yet if you learn something along the way.
To live intentionally, and lead with confident vulnerability. That’s the closest I’ve gotten to identifying my purpose or ‘how I want to be.’
What do I mean by lead? Lead ourselves, lead others, and lead with this first.
The continuing journey of what that looks like takes a lot of thinking and lot of practice. This site is my attempt to capture my own reflections, wrestlings, and moments of awe. And share my creative expressions.
I hope that as I continue, I can share with and exchange with others to keep learning. And just maybe I can help someone else in the process too.
reflections on the gifs of everyday life and the present moment
wrestling with values and life-changing ideas
steps for purposeful and joyful living
salient moments, real and imagined
expressions of discovery, challenge, and joy
Thank you to all of my teachers, who continue to show me the way.